Corporate policy

Strategic guidelines
In the future, we see Gavrilović as one of the key drivers of the regional economy, the undisputed global leader and promoter of traditional regional meat specialties.
The passion for creating meat specialties is the fundamental reason for our existence; a passion so deep that it has become a tradition for more than 330 years. Our mission is to create a recognizable taste, and provide consumers with a unique Gavrilović pleasure, using the highest quality ingredients with the use of modern technologies and processes.
Applying new technologies, controlling and managing of all our processes, continuously informing and educating employees and consumers, we are constantly improving our own business system. By meeting the strict requirements of the standards, we guarantee our consumers high quality and the highest degree of product safety with maximum care for the environment. Constant investment is part of our business. Improving our own competitiveness is our way to achieving our strategic goal, which is to increase our share of the Croatian market and exports to the European market.
Corporate policy
The slogan “It’s great, it’s from Gavrilović!” is based on a rich, eight-generation-long family tradition. Our company is characterised by continuous growth in production and reputation, as well as a continuous presence on the market. In spite of the dramatic changes in the social climate and many ups and downs, our basic constant has never changed – our insistence on a safe and top-quality product.
Our passion for creating meat specialities is the fundamental reason for our existence; it has grown into an over 300-year-long tradition. Our mission is to continue creating our iconic flavours and to provide our consumers with opportunities to enjoy signature Gavrilović products. We do this using the highest quality ingredients and modern production technologies and processes in a fusion of the traditional and the contemporary.
By adapting to the age in which we live through the implementation of cutting-edge technologies, the control and management as well as digitalisation and optimisation of all our processes, and by constantly educating and informing both our employees and our consumers, we continuously improve our own business system.
We guarantee our consumers authenticity, legality, high quality and the highest level of product safety, along with the highest level of care for the environment and energy, as well as the protection of personal data. Sustainability and social responsibility are ingrained in our business, and we look after the interests of all stakeholders. We have embedded social and environmental issues into our strategic decision-making and therefore take responsibility for the environmental impact of our decisions and activities. This includes the transparent and ethical conduct of all employees, which contributes to sustainable development and complies with the changing laws and international standards of conduct.
Investments are a constant part of our business. Improving our competitiveness is the key to achieving our strategic goals. In the future we see Gavrilović company as one of the key drivers of the regional economy and the indisputable global leader and promoter of traditional regional meat specialities.
It is our corporate values – six fundamental principles that guide and direct our everyday operations – that play a crucial role in our success. These are:
- Excellence and commitment to quality – the application of the highest standards in all segments and work processes, authenticity and legality. We believe that product safety and quality, food safety culture, process quality, environmental protection, efficient energy use, personal data protection and sustainability represent the pillars that form the basis of our company’s business activities.
- Responsibility – for work, tasks, obligations and commitment to common goals. Our main responsibility is to ensure that our customers are satisfied.
- Efficiency – as well as timeliness in work and the performance of work tasks. Our work is done to the best of our abilities, respecting the priorities of both ourselves and others.
- Respect and cooperation – we build relationships with employees, suppliers and customers based on mutual trust, honesty and respect.
- Open communication – sharing information with colleagues and business partners in a timely and proactive manner. We express our opinions openly and accept and exchange views and ideas without prejudice.
- Willingness to learn – throughout the entire working relationship. We are a dynamic organisation that continually learns and improves its knowledge and skills in order to maintain a leading position on the market and always be the best at what we do.
Petrinja, 15 May 2024
CEO Mario Zbiljski
Food quality and safety policy
Gavrilović develops, produces and sells high-value, safe and wholesome food products, whose traditional flavour, innovative solutions and appealing product design continue to delight our customers. By respecting the food quality and safety principles, the maintenance and continued improvements of the integrated management system, we are able to continually monitor the realisation of the product and prove to our customers that food quality and safety paired with environmental protection are our top priority at all times.
Customers choose a Gavrilović product based on their belief that they are buying the best and safest product for themselves and their families. Our policy is based on meeting the legal requirements, as well as fulfilling the requirements and expectations of our customers.
By establishing the organisational context, defining the needs and expectations of the interested parties, assessing the risks and opportunities, applying new technologies, controlling and managing all parts of the production and distribution process and continually educating and informing our employees and consumers, by establishing processes of the ongoing enhancement of the food quality and safety management system by implementing measures including the optimisation of business processes and ongoing supervision of all food quality and safety-related activities, we enhance the system of creating wholesome, safe and high-quality products. Our employees are continually educated in, and are fully aware of the importance of food quality and safety in our business, and they adhere to the principles of the food safety culture in all their conduct.
The quality and efficiency of our system implies the common commitment of all employees at all levels, which entails:
- Doing business in accordance with the defined goals, target values, risks and opportunities.
- Compliance with all the implemented food quality and safety systems.
- Continued focus on food safety culture.
- Recognising opportunities for ongoing and permanent improvement on all levels.
- The retention and development of key knowledge and skills.
- Clear and flexible allocation of responsibilities and powers.
- Total commitment to the satisfaction of customers’ requirements.
- The immediate and permanent elimination of the causes of non-compliance.
- Maintaining and improving communication with suppliers, customers and interested parties in the food chain.
- Continued identification and implementation of market requirements.
- Monitoring and constant improvement of one’s own activities.
Petrinja, 12 April 2021
Member of the Management Board, Georg Gavrilović Jr.
Environmental policy
As one of the oldest meat industries in the world, Gavrilović has always developed according to the principles of sustainability with a keen respect for the environment and compliance with laws and international standards. We strive to integrate sustainability in all our processes with a strategic approach and a focus on environmental protection.
In order to achieve sustainable and environmentally friendly production, we adhere to the following principles:
- applying principles of sustainable development in our business,
- continuous environmental care and constant improvement in the area of environmental protection,
- continuous provision of training for employees in order to raise awareness about the preservation, sustainable use and protection of the environment,
- reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the implementation of cutting-edge energy conversion methods,
- minimizing waste generation through the maximum possible separation and utilization of valuable ingredients in accordance with the latest knowledge and technological developments,
- increasing the amount of environmentally friendly packaging at the request of consumers in order to reduce packaging waste and implement a circular economy,
- reducing and disposing of food waste through the application of circular economy principles,
- using water rationally as the most valuable natural resource by monitoring consumption and continuously improving water treatment and reuse,
- ensuring wastewater quality and reducing pollution in natural waterways.
We reduce our negative environmental impact by constantly enhancing our business and improving business processes, products and services. Our established emergency response plans, which are primarily aimed at preventing environmental pollution, prepare us to respond quickly in case of an emergency.
We maintain good relations with government authorities and follow developments in domestic, European and international legislation, guidelines and standards. Our environmental impact is continuously assessed and communicated to interested parties. We share our knowledge and experience of environmental management with our business partners.
Petrinja, 10 September 2024
CEO Mario Zbiljski
Energy management policy
The commitment of our company to implementing an energy management policy is driven by the general business orientation and ethical principles of a responsible and successful organization, as well as the importance of our role in society and the needs of other interested parties.
Through investment in state-of-the-art production technology, as well as the appropriate design and management of our processes, we reach our goals and target values related to energy management, paying particular attention to the conservation of natural resources such as water, electricity, fuel and gas.
In the scope of Production of meat products, we ensure efficient energy management through the management of energy aspects at: factory circle – Gavrilovićev trg 1, 44250 Petrinja.
The fundamental principles of energy management are based on the following determinations:
- Continuous improvement of energy efficiency.
- The provision of information and all the necessary resources to ensure the achievement of individual and general energy goals.
- Ensuring the procurement of energy-efficient products and services and the development of energy-efficient processes.
- Establishing the organizational context related to the energy management system and determining the needs and expectations of stakeholders.
- Assessment of the risks and opportunities related to the energy management system.
In defining the future, the Gavrilović LLC Management Board ensures:
- compliance with all legal requirements
- resources and education necessary to implement this policy
- assessment of effectiveness and compliance with the set goals and target values
- implementation of continuous improvement of the energy management system
- the availability of information to interested parties.
In accordance with the principles of transparency, the Gavrilović LLC Management Board has ensured the availability of this policy to its employees and all interested parties.
Petrinja, 28 March 2023
Member of the Management Board, Georg Gavrilović Jr.
Personal data protection policy
With this policy, the Gavrilović LLC Management Board sets the organization’s attitude towards personal data, determines its rules and responsibilities, and provides full support for its personal data protection system. The personal data that Gavrilović LLC collects and processes in its work is considered confidential information assets that have been entrusted to the organization by their owners. Special care is taken in accessing this data, and it may only be used for the purposes for which it was collected.
The collection of personal data is carried out exclusively in compliance with the laws and ethical standards. Data processing of personal data requires a clearly defined and documented legal basis or a contractual relationship, while all other data processing requires the owner’s or their authorized representative’s clear and documented consent.
Only data that is essential for a given purpose may be collected. Owners are informed before the information is collected about the purpose, the type of processing, and possible third parties who will be able to access it.
We provide the owners of personal information with the right to access what personal information we have and why it is used, to correct any incorrect and supplement personal information, as well as to deny the right to processing if the processing is based on consent. All personal information based on consent will be deleted at the owner’s request. Owners have the right to transfer their personal information.
Gavrilović LLC has an established and continuously maintained record of personal data processing, and the individuals responsible for each operation (proxies) are clearly identified. Persons responsible for processing personal data ensure that there is a legal basis, consent or business necessity for processing the data.
A risk assessment from the viewpoint of personal data protection ensures all processes and information systems are designed to protect personal data. Data is only collected to the extent necessary for the provision of services. All data is adequately protected.
Procedures for dealing with incidents related to violations of personal data security have been established, as well as a structure of responsibility for reporting these incidents. Gavrilović LLC will inform the appropriate authority and, if necessary, the owners of the personal data within 72 hours following the discovery of an incident involving personal data violation.
According to the Decision on the appointment of a personal data protection team dated 25.05.2018, the Management Board has established a team for the protection of personal data and specified the duties and responsibilities of the team members. According to the Decision on the appointment of a person from Article 29, paragraph 6 of the Labour Law dated 25.05.2018, a person authorized to supervise the collection, processing, use and forwarding of personal data has been appointed in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation and national legislation.
The measures defined in this policy must be observed by all employees, as well as third parties who receive access to personal data as a result of their cooperation with Gavrilović LLC.
Petrinja, 25 May 2018
Member of the Management Board, Georg Gavrilović Jr.